Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the collection grows.....

One of our clients @ Sam Crawford Architects has collected
all her children's pencils for us.Yep - that's a bendy pencil!

Tim, (from 360 Landscape Architects) went for less is more, we like.

Matt - we loved your pencils so much we wanted to steal them all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

pencils in the post

thanks, more please :)

pencils hand delivered

and pencils in the post - thanks mr fielders... and that's molly's 6B

and this little guy...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Go Architect Marshall - thankyou thankyou
keep them coming people, only 967 to go...
Sam's special drafting pencil...
fat, skinny, short, tall - we love you all!

our first pencils!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Felicity & Claire are currently on the hunt for pencils. They have some weird dentist pencils already, they’re expecting a chinagraph from a navigator and some good old faber castells from a local high school – but they need more – probably a thousand more.

So, if you would like to donate a pencil, they would love to hear from you – just fill in the tag attached, wrap it around your pencil (a rubber band would be great, so they don’t lose it) and post it to them, or bring it to their studio drop box. Alternatively, Felicity/Claire can bring a drop box and some tags to your studio/school/local pub/café/shoe shop/pop up store/trendy hangout.

Share the pencil fever.

Claire + Felicity

Claire McCaughan & Felicity Gartelmann
Sam Crawford Architects
Level 5, Ballarat House, 68 Wentworth Avenue