Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pencils Make a Full Circle

We just wanted to let everyone know that all your pencils are being donated far and wide to children who will use them! Bronwyn Carnegie has taken a care package to Cambodia, to a charity she works with called Choice Cambodia.

Joy Godley posted a bunch to a school in Burma, started by a man named Myo Wynn. There are about 55 kids (pictured) at the school and the pencils were posted with 60 calculators. Good on you Joy.

The rest of our little gems are earmarked for local communities here in Australia, for example Umoona in South Australia. However if anyone has any other worthy causes, please feel free to contact us.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Much Lead installed @ Object Gallery

It's up and ready for you all to come and find your little pencils + special tags.

Much Lead runs from 2nd-10th October, so put it at the top of your to-do list!

Object Gallery:
St Margarets, 417 Bourke Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone: + 61 2 9361 4511

Tuesday - Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

14 hours to install time! gulp.

thanks to object gallery for this final present!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

3000 Pencils! done & dusted. drinks please!

Sam Crawford donates his old derwents for a bit of rainbow fever.

Marg Ackland (again, Go marg!) contributes a final bundle from a student at Meadowbank Tafe.

108 pencils from Scotland! Sheila, I wish you could come see the installation!

Robyn Lance donates 52 pencils, brought from her family in Goulburn

Louisa McCaughan (you little gem) has collected a bunch of kids pencils from Hawthorn East, Melbourne. Apparently they are straight from the pre-school craft corner and they use them with their sticker books and scrap books. Cuteness.

remy & lee's, mitchell land surveyors, sam crawford architects and audrey the goldfish

and they just keep coming... a great parcel from james mitchell and stephen mitchell arrived this week - thank you james especially, for giving up your bob the builder pencils!

ahm... runs in the family? thanks stephen.

and remy and lee's cafe very kindly collected these - ps now that lee is making sandwiches too,we may never need to leave bourke street again! - thank you, guys

i believe this little lady may even have a fish named after her - thanks, audrey:

and thanks again to sam crawford architects - wendy, karen and lionel bought in more great bunches recently... muchos gracias!

Monday, September 20, 2010

drilling in the studio continues

we have 2829 pencils... and counting! a whole lot more just arrived. thank you very much to John J Carroll Preschool in Surry Hills, Remy and Lee's, James Mitchell, Mitchell Land Surveyors - and Marg, again.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sam Crawford Architects 5% creative time - thanks SCA

sam crawford architects very generously gives 5% of studio time for side projects - which gave us the space to get going with this project. thank you, sam. other people in the studio are doing various research projects, and we are getting ready to hang this project. it still takes up a heap of our spare time, but it's very helpful to be able to work on the project during office hours also. thanks again sca, from claire and felicity.
